Thursday, June 7, 2007

MGM Cafe

23h30 24/3 - MGM was still crownded of guests. @, DH, Dylan... scooters were parked over the pavement. MGM was luxury designed alike Las Vegas type.

In case you were wondering, the newest supercafé with a nightclub up top has no links to the Disney Corporation, but stands for “Maximum Greatest Music.” The music is loud, the décor is loud and the people posing in their designer sunglasses and sipping fluorescent drinks are loud. The prices and the furnishings are certainly “maximum” while “greatest” is a matter of opinion. But with tunes alternating between hip-hop, trance, R&B, pop and anything in between, at least one track will please your ears. I myself do not like to come hear... not my style... so noise... quite "show-up"... better to go to bar... However... it might be your choice...

MGM cafe

172 C Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Dist. 3

Coffee starts at VND29,000 with fruit juices at VND39,000.

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